The Trick To Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Las Vegas Home

It is startling to open a store room door and see a spider sitting on the floor—or to step out of the shower and almost step on a spider. But in most cases spider encounters are more subtle. Their webs accumulate over time and you may notice them inside a web here or there. All of these are reasons to want to keep spiders out of your home but the biggest of all reasons is that spiders bite. Are you concerned about spiders and spider bites? If so, we have some great tips to share with you today. We'll look at types of spiders in Las Vegas, what you should know most about them, and the secret to getting rid of them for good. If you want to get rid of spiders without having to learn about these creepy pests, jump to our contact page for spider pest control in Las Vegas. We're happy to help.

Types Of Spiders Commonly Found Around Las Vegas

It helps to know what spiders you're battling when you're trying to get them out of your home and keep them out. Let's quickly look at a few facts about common spiders in Las Vegas and how to identify them.

Common House Spiders: The most common spiders found inside Las Vegas homes are American spiders or domestic house spiders. These are small spiders that live on tiny flies and other tiny insects. They are responsible for making the webs in the upper corners of your kitchen and bathroom. In your garage, you'll find another common house spider. It is the long-bodied cellar spider, which is also known as the daddy-longlegs spider. You can tell this spider by its long legs. These are mostly harmless spiders.  

Wolf Spiders: We have a few species of wolf spiders in Vegas. You can easily tell these spiders from most other spiders because they're covered in hair. These spiders can get quite large. Some are as long as two inches. But it is also possible to see a tiny, ½ inch wolf spider. These are hunter spiders. They don't create webs to catch prey but use their webbing to line holes to guard themselves as they retreat into those holes.

Recluse Spiders: In Las Vegas, we commonly see desert recluse spiders and brown recluse spiders. These are small, brown spiders with a dark brown violin mark on the back. Residents often expect these spiders to be larger because they have a large reputation, but their small size is likely to surprise you. Some recluse spiders aren't much bigger than a penny. That size includes their outstretched legs. Some are a little larger than a quarter. It depends on the species and age of the spider. In general, they are surprisingly small.  

Black Widow Spiders: No one wants to see a black widow spider in their Las Vegas yard, and that is what happens most of the time. Residents don't see them. Like recluse spiders, black widows are small. In most cases, they are about the size of a nickel. Some are as large as a quarter. Fortunately, black widows are jet black. You'll likely see one if it has established a web you can see. But be wary of these spiders hiding in secluded hiding places in your yard. Bites occur when objects are moved and these spiders are startled. Along with their jet black coloration, widow spiders also have a red hourglass mark that is easy to spot when the bottom of the abdomen is exposed, such as when the spider is upside down in its web.

These are the spiders you'll most likely see in your LasVegas yard or home. Some are harmless and some are not so harmless. It helps to know what to expect from spiders as you try to get rid of them, so that you don't get hurt.

Some Spider's Bites Are Worse Than Others

Most of the spiders you'll find in your home or on your property are of no real threat. A bite from a spider feels like a pinprick and results in a red, itchy welt. Some spiders can't bite you at all. Daddy-longlegs have potent venom but their jaws are too weak to bite through human skin to inject the venom. They're all venom and no bite.

Another factor to consider is how prone a spider is to bite you. While we don't recommend handling wolf spiders, many people do handle them without consequence. While they are definitely scary spiders, they're also amazingly docile. Brown recluse spiders can and will bite if you startle them. But they'll run away if they see you coming. They're also reclusive. You aren't likely to run into one unless you go into your attic or storage closets.

A bite from a recluse spider has the potential to cause harm. The venom of a recluse is necrotic. That means it breaks down living tissue. Under the right conditions, a recluse bite can lead to a disfiguring wound. But it is not commonly understood that most bites from these spiders do not lead to a spread of necrosis. While we certainly encourage you to speak to a physician if you get bitten, you don't need to fear. You may only have a small wound with an ulcer at the center and nothing more.

Black widow spiders are another spider of concern. They have a venom that is potentially deadly. But the stories of this spider are somewhat overblown. While you can definitely get sick and go to the hospital from a black widow bite, you're not likely to die. The last known death from a black widow spider was in 1983.

So, that is what you're facing when you move about in your home to get rid of spiders. Be cautious in secluded spaces and you should have no issues. If bitten by a recluse or widow, get the wound checked out by your physician.

Factors That Attract Spiders Into Our Homes

How do you get spiders out? By learning why they want to be in. That makes sense, right? Let's walk through some of the reasons spiders may try to live with you and discuss a few smart ideas to keep spiders out.

  • Spiders want to live in your yard because they eat insects. One of the best ways to keep insect populations low is to manage light sources. Insects are attracted to white light. Replace white lights with yellow lights and you won't attract insects and the spiders that eat them.
  • Damp habitats are inviting to the pests that spiders eat. So, it shouldn't surprise you to find a spider in a damp location. A great way to reduce pests near your home is to manage your landscaping in a way that keeps your plants dry on the surface. They draw water up from the ground. Not only are wet plants and topsoil attractive to pests, it is unhealthy for your plants. Water your plants in the morning, trim your vegetation, create space between plants, and remove unnecessary vegetation.
  • Objects in your yard may provide hiding places for spiders. A spider may establish itself near your home if it finds a suitable object with a void inside. Remove yard clutter to reduce spider activity.
  • Some spiders create egg sacs in their webs and some egg sacs have hundreds of eggs in them. You can reduce spider populations by removing webs and destroying egg sacs.
  • Spiders get into your home through available entry points. Use a caulking gun and expanding foam to seal your exterior and make it spider-proof. Also, replace weatherstripping, door sweeps, screens, and other building materials to seal gaps.
  • When spiders get into your home, they'll want to stay if you have indoor pests, particularly flies. One smart way to reduce the chance of a fly infestation is to reduce the size of your kitchen trash receptacle. You'll have to put your trash out more often but you'll prevent flies and other insects from having the time to hatch and develop in your trash.

These tips provide a great foundation for all-natural spider control. You can get good control for spiders when you address food sources, water sources, hiding places, and entry points.      

Pro Pest Control Makes For The Best Spider Control

There are three primary ways you'll benefit when you hire a pest control professional. A pest control technician reduces webs around your home to reduce spiders, addresses the food sources spiders eat, and seals many of the entry points spiders use to get into your home. Best of all, professional spider control is ongoing if you have year-round pest control service for your home. Your home will always have what it needs to keep creepy spiders out.  

Are you in Las Vegas? If so, contact Vantage Pest Control for residential service or targeted spider control. We can help you find the right solution to address your specific concerns. You don't have to keep living with spiders. Start living that spider-free life today!

What Our Customers Are Saying
Scott Zuhse

Chad is always punctual with his scheduled time slot visit. Provides updates each visit on if traps have been hit or not. Always provides additional service upon request such as treating an influx of ants. With past exterminator, scorpion sightings were frequent. At this writing and with Chad’s service, they are nonexistent.

Highly recommend Vantage Pest Control!

Scott Zuhse
Talon LLC

Very professional, friendly, local company that cares about their customers. Will continue to refer to my friends, family and other businesses.

Talon LLC
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