What It Takes To Get Rid Of Cockroaches In Your Summerlin Home

Cockroaches are a menace. They can spread diseases, are difficult to get rid of, and are just plain gross. Cockroaches are common pests here in Las Vegas and throughout Nevada; unfortunately, cockroaches are also among the deadliest household pests around, and spotting just one cockroach in your home can mean an infestation is brewing.

Many homeowners in our area face the struggles associated with cockroach infestations and may become discouraged when dealing with them. Fortunately, you don’t have to face these pest pressures alone. At Vantage Pest Control, we are your local cockroach control and prevention experts. Our team of professional pest technicians has what it takes to get rid of cockroaches in your home for good. Read on to learn more!

How To Identify A Cockroach Infestation In Your Home

When it comes to cockroaches, the most important thing you need to remember is that they can find their way into any home or business. That’s right – even the cleanest structures are at risk for a cockroach infestation! Of course, easy access to food is another big attractant, so practicing regular housekeeping is always an essential tool for deterring cockroaches from your home. Objects such as open trash containers, compost, gardens, and pet food are easily accessible areas where cockroaches can forage for food.

So, what does a cockroach look like? The answer to this question largely depends on the specific species you’re dealing with. Cockroaches generally have oval-shaped bodies with wings, antennae, and six spiny legs.

There are over 4,000 species of cockroaches; the most common types of cockroaches our communities deal with include American cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches, German cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches. Each of these species has distinctive features from its relatives:

American Cockroach

The largest of the household cockroaches and a major pest in Las Vegas and throughout the United States, American cockroaches are reddish-brown with a pale “figure eight”-shaped pattern on the backs of their heads. When full-grown, adults can range anywhere from 1 ¼ to 2 ⅛ inches in length.

Despite their moniker, American cockroaches are native to Africa and the Middle East and are believed to have been brought westward due to human commerce. American cockroaches live in private residences after heavy rain and are more frequently encountered in commercial settings such as bakeries, grocery stores, restaurants, and food processing facilities. In any structure, American cockroaches prefer to hide in dark, damp areas, including basements, drains, sewers, and stream tunnels.

Brown-banded Cockroach

Brown-banded cockroaches are a small, invasive species that entered our country in 1903, first traveling from Cuba to Florida. They are brown with pronounced banding across their wings and measure about ½ inch in length.

Not unlike all other cockroach species, brown-banded cockroaches are scavengers that will eat almost any organic material they come across, including bodily fluids and decaying matter. The brown-banded cockroach sometimes eats glue or paste and starch or color dyes, so you may find them nibbling on books, envelopes, stamps, and wallpaper. They also search for substances such as body oils and skin cells and can be found eating non-food items like nylon stockings that contain traces of these cells.

German Cockroach

Adult German cockroaches are light brown to tan with two dark stripes running parallel down their backs. German cockroaches range from ½ to ⅝ inches in length – slightly larger than the brown-banded cockroaches in your home.

German cockroaches prefer warm and humid environments close to food and water sources. They frequently invade residential properties by hitchhiking in cardboard boxes, grocery bags, and secondhand appliances. Once these roaches live comfortably indoors, homeowners will most likely find a German cockroach crawling around the bathroom or kitchen. To discourage German cockroaches from invading, you should make a concerted effort to keep kitchen counters and floors clean and free of crumbs. It’s also important to vacuum frequently and dispose of garbage regularly.

Oriental Cockroach

Measuring up to one inch in length, the oriental cockroach is one of the larger species of cockroaches living in our area. These shiny-black cockroaches are sometimes called “waterbugs” because they prefer to hang out in damp areas. Since they are more likely to enter your home in search of water, Oriental cockroaches can often be found near toilets, sinks, and exposed pipes or plumbing. Though they can survive up to a month without food, they can live only two weeks without water.

After developing into adults, oriental cockroaches usually live for six to twelve months, with females producing an average of 200 eggs in a lifetime. Female oriental cockroaches carry their egg capsules around for thirty hours before dropping them in a safe, protected area. Sixty days later, the nymphs hatch and reach maturity six to twelve months later.

Because cockroaches are so good at hiding and may often live in your home for some time before the infestation is discovered, knowing the signs of a cockroach infestation is just as important as identifying cockroaches in your home. If you ever find exoskeletons, droppings, or a foul odor that you can’t place, immediately call for professional help.

Roaches In Your Home Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

It might go without saying that cockroaches are dangerous pests. Studies have shown that cockroaches can spread over 40 different bacteria, parasites, and other deadly pathogens. As soon as they find their way inside, they will begin contaminating surfaces and food with the pathogens they carry on their legs, bodies, saliva, and excrement. The diseases cockroaches carry include cholera, dysentery, E. coli infection, gastroenteritis, giardia, listeriosis, poliomyelitis, salmonellosis, and parasitic worms. These filthy insects also trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks among children and the elderly. Cockroaches also create a foul odor when gathered together in large numbers. This unpleasant odor affects the taste of food that is unknowingly stored near your cockroach infestation.

D.I.Y. Cockroach Control Is A Waste Of Time And Money

If there’s one thing Americans love, it’s an excellent D.I.Y. project. Here in Las Vegas, NV, people are always looking for new ways to save money with little time and effort. If you’re wondering how to get rid of cockroaches, however, D.I.Y. methods are often a waste of all three and tend to do more harm than good. Proper pest control requires a lot of chemical applications that can be very dangerous if not handled by a trained professional.

If you apply a D.I.Y. solution outside your home, you may unknowingly cause harm to animals, birds, insects, and plants that do not harm you or your family. If these pesticides contaminate your water source, this can also threaten the lives of people in the area.

Finally, D.I.Y. products are just not as effective as professional materials. Professional exterminators are experienced and highly trained in the responsible handling and use of pesticides. The wrong products and treatments may only temporarily drive pests away, only to return in larger numbers than before. For these reasons, your best chance at pest protection is always with a trained professional.

Although D.I.Y. measures are never recommended, there are some helpful prevention tips you can practice to help keep cockroaches out of your home. Follow these tips from our trained professionals to prevent cockroaches from setting up camp in your home:

  • Clean out clutter and substantial amounts of cardboard.
  • Clear out yard debris.
  • Inspect your home regularly for roaches and possible entry points.
  • Keep food storage and preparation areas clean and sanitary.
  • Look out for and dry out areas that collect moisture.
  • Pick up crumbs and food debris inside and out.
  • Seal and fill in small holes and cracks near doors and windows.
  • Store food in sealed, airtight containers.

Call The Professionals At The First Sign Of Roaches In Your Home

Cockroaches are never a good sign and should be taken seriously. Long associated with grime, dirt, and filth, cockroaches are more than just a gross bug; they are dangerous and spread disease. The best way to get rid of cockroaches from your property is to partner with the local pest control experts at Vantage Pest Control. As a local pest control company, we deeply understand cockroaches in our area and offer premium cockroach control services to eliminate them.

At Vantage Pest Control, we know pests! Our local pest control company was born out of a desire to provide safe and effective pest control solutions to families in Las Vegas and surrounding communities. Request a free over-the-phone estimate by giving us a call today!

What Our Customers Are Saying
Scott Zuhse

Chad is always punctual with his scheduled time slot visit. Provides updates each visit on if traps have been hit or not. Always provides additional service upon request such as treating an influx of ants. With past exterminator, scorpion sightings were frequent. At this writing and with Chad’s service, they are nonexistent.

Highly recommend Vantage Pest Control!

Scott Zuhse
Talon LLC

Very professional, friendly, local company that cares about their customers. Will continue to refer to my friends, family and other businesses.

Talon LLC
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